MetalTech Systems

UN-COALER® Activator / Feeder for Wood

General Kinematics UN-COALER® Activator/Feeder is a state of the art solution to feeding and metering material. The UN-COALER® combines the performance of vibratory feeding with the benefit of integrated flow control.

A 3 in 1 unit, the UN-COALER® Activator/Feeder effectively combines two vibratory feeders and pile activation into a single, comprehensive unit. Precise flow control can be adjusted electrically through a VFD, or pneumatically using the General Kinematics Variable Force (VF) Wheels. Since the unit discharges material vertically to conveyor below, loading is always centered and symmetrical. This feature helps to eliminate belt tracking problems common to side feeding. The UN-COALER® Activator/Feeder also helps eliminate bridging and other issues found with other metering options. Standard and specially engineered sizes are available.

The vibratory action of the UN-COALER® Activator/Feeder gently meters and processes wood pellets without damaging the pellets.


  • Gentle metering action for fragile materials like wood pellets.
  • 3 in 1: Combines two vibratory feeders with one pile activator.
  • Low headroom design for reduced installation requirements.
  • No gates required.
  • Symmetrical and centered loading.
  • Eliminates bridging.